Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Just For Fun...

I have been really tired this week... I think the craziness of last week is catching up with me.  All I want to do when I get home from work is put on my jammies and curl up under the covers of my warm cozy bed.

I have been bad though - I haven't gone to the gym once this month.  YIKES!  However, since I started food journaling, I 've lost 6 lbs.  I have been eating a lot less... especially since my hubby is doing it and we can ask to see each others at any time.  I feel guilty writing down "1 handful of peanut M&M's."  I would rather not eat them and have to write it down then to eat them and enjoy the chocolatey goodness!  The journal is screaming "I'M A GUILT TRIP!"  So, I'm loving that!  I just find it really hard to go to the gym... I think I need a gym partner that isn't my hubby because he wants to listen to music and pump up his muscles, but I just want to walk on the tread mill and chat.  Does that defeat the purpose of going to the gym?  I told my husband if I don't go 5 times this month we can cancel the membership... I better get on that!

Anyway, something fun happened today - this is my pic of the day (so you'll see it again on Friday).

It's 1:11 on 1/11/11!

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